October 3, 2023

New Homes For Sale in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2023- Things They DON'T Tell You


Friends, listen up because we are about to lift the veil on those brand-spankin'-new homes for sale in the city of brotherly love! Oh yeah, you know what I'm talking about - those shiny, flashy, "oh-so-perfect" new construction digs popping up all around the Philly Metro.

But hold on tight, because we are going to dig deeper than Nancy Grace solving a murder mystery!

Builders will show you the glitz and glamor, but they will not spill the beans on the real deal, and that is where I come in!

In this article, I'm breaking codes to reveal the things they DON'T tell you about these new homes! 

We will uncover the secrets of the "quiet neighborhood" that turns into a construction symphony first thing in the AM! It is like living next to an orchestra conducted by Bob the Builder!

I am going to take you on an eye-opening adventure into the world of new homes in the Philadelphia Metro.

Let's get down to New Homes For Sale in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Things They DON'T Tell You.

#1 Construction Delays

Building a house from scratch is a complex process, and construction delays are common. Weather conditions, labor shortages, material delays, or changes in plans can all cause setbacks, leading to a longer waiting time for your home to be ready. 

Mother Nature has this quirky sense of humor - she will be all sunny and bright when you are planning your construction, but the minute those hammers start swinging "Surprise! Rain dance time!"

And do not even get me started on labor shortages! It is like a magic trick - one minute you have a full crew, and the next, they disappear faster than Houdini leaving your dream home in limbo!

Let's not forget about material delays! Sometimes you will feel like you are in the Twilight Zone - you keep checking the clock, and it is like time is moving backward! 

And just when you think you have got it all figured out, bam! Changes in plans hit you like a ton of bricks! You will be trying to make up your mind on countertops, and suddenly your spouse will be like, "Honey, I had a vision. Let's turn the living room into a disco ballroom!" And there you go, back to square one!

If certainty is your thing but you still really want a NEW home, then you might opt for new homes that are pre-built. We can discuss builders here who offer those options!

#2 Neighborhood Uncertainty

Stepping into a new development can feel like walking into a reality TV show. It is like they are auditioning characters for the neighborhood drama, and you are just waiting for someone to yell, "Cut! Take two!"

You will be trying to picture your dream home, but all you see are empty lots, construction vehicles and dirt. You need to be a future visionary to "see" your future house among the rubble!

And let's talk about the neighbors - or should I say, the mystery contestants of the neighborhood game show! You will be peering out the window, playing "Guess Who" trying to figure out who is moving in next door. Are they friendly? Are they rock stars? Are they aliens from outer space? The suspense is killing you!

#3 Unforeseen Costs

Oh, they lure you in with that very attractive "base price" like it is a siren call, but then come the extras - Upgrades, landscaping, window coverings - they are like ninjas, sneaking up on your wallet when you least expect it! 

And those association fees? It is like a subscription you never asked for, and they keep charging you like it's Netflix on steroids!

The ride to your dream home might come with a few twists and turns on the expense rollercoaster! So before going out and getting a look at the models we will get a clear picture of what is included and what is extra.

#4 Limited Negotiation Room

Unlike haggling with private homeowners, haggling with builders, it is like trying to negotiate with a rock! They have got their profit margins set in stone, and they are not budging an inch! 

And let's talk urgency - it is like builders are on island time while you are running a marathon! Private homeowners are like, "Sell, sell, sell!" But builders are like, "Chill, chill, chill!" 

They will build their houses at their own pace, while you are sitting there, tapping your foot, waiting for your dream home like it is the final season of your favorite show! 

But hey, do not let that deter you! If a NEW home is your dream, me and my team will make it happen.

#5 Quality Variations

Oh, you know what they say about new construction homes - Some builders are like master chefs, cooking up perfection with top-notch materials and years of experience. But then there are others who are like amateur cooks, using questionable ingredients and hoping you will not notice! 

So, before you dive headfirst into that shiny new home, we will be sure of the builder's reputation - are they rock stars or one-hit wonders? And even though it is new we will inspect that property like a detective on a mission - looking under every nook and cranny for surprises! 

You do not want to end up with a lemon, my friends. There is no "return and exchange" policy for a house and builder's warranties are not forever!

#6 Punch List Delays

Let's talk about a little thing builders call a "punch list" - it is like getting ready for a boxing match with your builder! You will be standing there, gloves on, ready to rumble, and the builder will be like, "Hold on, let me find my gloves on too!"

It is a dance of "fix it now" vs. "fix it whenever." You will be like, "Hey, can you handle these repairs?" And they will be like, "Sure, but can you wait until next leap year?"

You do not want to be living in your new home with half-finished business.

But do not worry, you are not alone in this punch list battle my friends. It is just another quirk in the wild world of new construction in the Philly Metro! 

So, put on your patience pants and get ready to conquer that punch list like a champ if you are dreaming of a brand new home.

#7 Settling and Defects

New homes need time to settle, and during this period, you might encounter issues like minor cracks in walls or other minor defects. Understanding the warranty coverage and the builder's responsibility is important.

You see, new homes are like celebrities - they need time to adjust to their new lifestyle! They will be there, all glamorous and fancy, but then they will start cracking up like they are starring in a comedy show! 

You will be like, "Hey, walls, what's with the cracks? Are you rehearsing for a stand-up routine?" 

And they will be like, "Nah, we're just getting comfortable, don't mind us!" 

Do not worry though, it is all part of the grand show of homeownership! You just have to know your warranty coverage.

#8 Future Development Plans

Let's talk about those "future developments" - they are like surprise parties for your view! You will be there, sipping your morning coffee, enjoying the scenery, and suddenly, bam! A whole new building pops up seemingly overnight! 

It is like playing peek-a-boo with your surroundings! One day you see a beautiful skyline, and the next, it is like, "Surprise! Here's a new skyscraper blocking the view!" 

My friend recently bought a brand new home that had a partial river view. The builder let her know ahead of time that other buildings were coming in the future that would change that. And if that is known they are obligated to reveal that to potential buyers.

#9 Community Association Rules

If your new home is part of a planned community or homeowners association, there may be strict rules and regulations you need to follow. These rules can include restrictions on exterior modifications, pet regulations, or noise limitations. 

You will be there, minding your own business, and suddenly, they will be like, "Sorry, no painting your house neon pink! We are sticklers for pastels only!" 

And do not even get me started on pets - it is like they have got a secret society of fur detectives! You will be walking your dog, and they will be there, disguised as bushes, making sure your dog is not 5 pounds over their weight limit restrictions or maybe even just the wrong breed for their liking.

And noise limitations? Oh, they take it seriously! It's like living in a library where even a pin dropping might earn you a "Shh!" from the neighbors! 

So, if you choose to check out the HOA developments we will be sure to grab a rule book BEFORE writing your offer.

#10 Property Taxes

Oh, you know what they say about those property tax incentives - they are like the party favors they give you at the door! You walk in like, "Yeah, free taxes!" But then the party's over, and you are left with a bigger property tax bill than you ever imagined.

So, before you get into that new construction home, we will do our homework, I have got your back like a superhero sidekick! We will review those contracts and no fine print is gonna escape our eagle eyes!

So, remember, when it comes to buying a brand new home in Philly, due diligence and help from the experts like me and my team is the key to unlocking the door to your future brand new dream home!

Despite my smartass sense of humor, I absolutely LOVE helping people find the right place for them right here in the Philly Area.

I'm Dawn D'Amico and I'm a licensed agent in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 

If you have decided that your heart is set on living somewhere in the Philly Metro, reach out to me below. I LOVE hearing from people who want to live in one of the best Metros in the country.

Dawn D'Amico: 215.962.9307
