August 29, 2024

Essential Decluttering Tips Homeowners Must Know Before Moving

Homeowner organizing boxes and items in a living room while decluttering before moving.

Moving to a new home presents an exciting chance to start anew, but it can also feel quite daunting, particularly when it comes to packing. One of the best ways to make your move easier is to declutter your home before moving. Make sure to go through your belongings to reduce the number of items you'll need to pack, move, and unpack, which will help you save time and money. In this guide, I'll walk you through the most effective decluttering tips to help you prepare your home for a smooth and stress-free move.

Why Decluttering Before Moving Is Important

Decluttering before a move has several benefits. Not only does it make the packing process more manageable, but it also helps you start fresh in your new home with only the items you truly need and love. Here's why decluttering before moving is essential:

  1. Reduce Moving Costs: The less you have to move, the lower your moving costs will be. Movers typically base their charges on the weight and volume of your belongings. Therefore, reducing your possessions can result in significant cost savings.
  2. Simplify Packing and Unpacking: When you declutter, you're left with fewer items to pack and unpack, which speeds up the entire process and makes it less overwhelming.
  3. Create a Fresh Start: Moving to a new home is a great opportunity to get rid of items that no longer serve you. Decluttering can help you create a well-organized, functional, and enjoyable living space right from the start.

Step 1: Start Early and Plan Ahead

One of the most important decluttering tips is to start the process as early as possible. Decluttering can take time, especially if you've lived in your current home for many years. Here's how to get started:

  1. Set a Timeline: Begin decluttering at least 6-8 weeks before your move. This gives you plenty of time to go through each room and make decisions about what to keep, donate, sell, or discard.
  2. Create a Decluttering Plan: Break down the process into manageable steps by tackling one room at a time. Start with less frequently used areas, such as the attic or basement, and work your way to the main living spaces.
  3. Gather Supplies: Before you begin, gather boxes, trash bags, and markers. Label boxes for items you plan to keep, donate, sell, or recycle. Having these supplies on hand will streamline the process.

Step 2: Tackle One Room at a Time

When preparing to move, it is best to declutter one room at a time. This approach prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and allows you to see progress as you go. Here's how to approach each room:

  1. Bedrooms: Start by sorting through clothing, shoes, and accessories. You might want to think about donating or selling items that no longer fit, are out of style, or haven't been worn in the last year. Then, move on to furniture and decor, keeping only the pieces that will work in your new space.
  2. Kitchen: Go through your kitchen cabinets and pantry, discarding expired food items and donating any non-perishables you won't use before the move. Evaluate your cookware, utensils, and small appliances, and keep only what you use regularly.
  3. Living Room: Review your living room furniture, electronics, and decor. Consider the layout and style of your new home, and decide which items will fit and complement the space. Donate or sell anything that doesn't make the cut.
  4. Bathrooms: Dispose of expired medications, beauty products, and toiletries. Keep only the items you use daily and those that will be practical in your new home.

Step 3: Sort Items into Categories

As you go through each room, sort your belongings into categories to make decisions easier. Here's a simple sorting method:

  1. Keep: These are items you use regularly, have sentimental value, or will fit well in your new home.
  2. Donate: Items in good condition that you no longer need can be donated to charity. Consider donating clothing, furniture, and household items to local shelters or thrift stores.
  3. Sell: Valuable items that you no longer need but are in great condition can be sold online or through a garage sale. This can help offset some of your moving costs. For tips on organizing a successful sale, check out Better Homes & Gardens' Garage Sale Tips.
  4. Discard: Broken, damaged, or unusable items should be discarded or recycled. Properly dispose of electronics, hazardous materials, and bulky items. For electronics recycling, Best Buy's Recycling Program is a great resource.

Step 4: Use the "One-Year Rule"

A helpful tip when deciding whether to keep or part with an item is to use the "one-year rule." Ask yourself if you've used the item in the past year. If not, it's likely something you can live without. This rule is especially helpful when organizing clothes, kitchen gadgets, and hobby supplies.

Step 5: Declutter Sentimental Items with Care

Decluttering sentimental items can be challenging, but it's important to approach this step thoughtfully. Here's how to handle sentimental belongings:

  1. Limit Yourself: Choose a few meaningful items to keep and display in your new home. For example, select a few cherished photos, heirlooms, or mementos that have special significance. Marie Kondo's Tips for Letting Go with Gratitude offers guidance on how to manage this process with care.
  2. Digitize Memories: For items like old photos, letters, or documents, consider digitizing them. This allows you to keep the memories without taking up physical space.
  3. Create a Memory Box: If you have a collection of small sentimental items, create a memory box to store them. This keeps everything organized and contained in one place.

Step 6: Make Decluttering a Family Affair

Decluttering before a move doesn't have to be a solo task. Involve your family members in the process to make it more efficient and enjoyable. Here's how to get everyone on board:

  1. Assign Tasks: Give each family member specific tasks, such as sorting through their own belongings or helping with shared spaces like the living room and kitchen.
  2. Make It Fun: Turn on some music, order pizza, and make a day of it. Decluttering can be a bonding experience when everyone is involved.
  3. Set Goals and Rewards: Set decluttering goals for each day or week, and reward yourselves with a treat or outing once the tasks are completed.

Prepare for a Smooth Move

Decluttering before a move is one of the best ways to simplify the moving process and start fresh in your new home. By following these decluttering tips and taking a step-by-step approach, you can reduce stress, save money, and make your move more manageable. Remember to start early, tackle one room at a time, and involve your family in the process. As you prepare for your move, you will not only reduce your belongings but also create a more organized and pleasant living space. For more detailed moving tips, visit's Moving Checklist.

If you're planning to sell your home in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, I'm here to help. As a dedicated realtor, I can guide you through the process of preparing your home for sale, including offering personalized advice on how to declutter before moving. Let's work together to ensure your move is smooth and successful. 

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