September 17, 2024

How Decluttering Can Make or Break Your Home Sale

Decluttered living room ready for an open house.

I'm Dawn D'Amico, and I know that getting your home ready to sell can feel like a big task. One thing I've learned from working with homeowners across Pennsylvania and New Jersey is that decluttering before an open house makes all the difference. It's incredible how a few straightforward adjustments can completely alter how potential buyers perceive your home. 

By decluttering and organizing your space, you help buyers envision your home's true potential. Decluttering helps highlight your home's best features, making it easier for buyers to imagine themselves living there. Plus, a well-organized home can leave a lasting impression that increases your chances of getting the best offer.

Why Decluttering Matters for Your Open House

An open house is all about first impressions. When buyers walk through your door, you want them to feel welcomed and at ease. A cluttered home can feel chaotic, and buyers may struggle to see past the mess. On the other hand, a decluttered space looks larger, cleaner, and more inviting.

According to Redfin's tips for home sellers, decluttering is essential in creating an open and appealing space. Removing items from countertops and organizing shelves can make a room feel larger, and buyers are more likely to imagine themselves living there. Additionally, MHM Professional Staging advises removing 50-75% of the items from shelves to create a clean, open look that highlights the home's key features​.

Here are some key reasons why decluttering is essential before an open house:

  • Creates More Space: When rooms are packed with stuff, they look smaller. Clearing out unnecessary items will make your home feel more spacious. Buyers love space, and the more open and airy your home feels, the better.
  • Highlights Key Features: Decluttering helps show off the best parts of your home—like built-in storage, beautiful countertops, or large windows. When there's less stuff in the way, buyers can focus on these important features that make your home unique.
  • Allows Buyers to Envision Themselves: Buyers want to imagine their own belongings in the space. If your personal items are everywhere, it's harder for them to do that. By removing your things, you make it easier for them to picture living in your home.
  • Improves Overall Presentation: A clutter-free home looks well-maintained and organized. It signals to potential buyers that the home has been taken care of, which can make a difference when they're deciding whether to make an offer.

Step-by-Step Guide to Decluttering Before an Open House

Start with One Room at a Time

Decluttering an entire house can feel overwhelming. To make it easier, start with one room and work your way through. Make sure to prioritize key areas like the living room, kitchen, and master bedroom, as these are the spaces that buyers will focus on the most. By tackling one space at a time, you'll also avoid getting overwhelmed and ensure that each room gets the attention it needs.

Sort Items Into Categories

To stay organized, sort everything into four categories: keep, donate, sell, and toss. Be honest with yourself about what you really need to keep. If something hasn't been used in a year or more, it might be time to let it go. Donating items you no longer need can also give you a sense of satisfaction while freeing up space in your home. You can also consider selling valuable items online or through a garage sale to make a little extra cash before the move.

Clear Off Surfaces

Counters, tables, and shelves should be free of clutter. A clear surface instantly makes a room look more spacious and tidy. Keep only a few decorative items that enhance the room, like a vase of fresh flowers or a small piece of art. Less is more when it comes to showcasing your home's potential. Too many decorative items can distract buyers and make the space feel cluttered, even if it's clean. MHM Professional Staging emphasizes how important it is to remove personal items from shelves, as this helps buyers focus on the home itself​.

Organize Closets and Storage Areas

Buyers will often open closets and cabinets to check out storage space. If these areas are overflowing, it sends the message that there isn't enough room. Keep closets and storage areas organized and only half full so buyers see how much space is available. Use matching bins or baskets to make storage areas look even more organized. Organized storage is a major selling point, especially for buyers who value practicality.

Don't Forget the Garage, Basement, and Attic

These areas are often used for storage, but they should still be decluttered. Buyers will want to check out every part of your home, so it's important that these spaces are as clean and organized as the rest of the house. If your garage is full of boxes or old tools, consider renting a storage unit for a few months. An organized garage, basement, or attic can help buyers see these areas as useful spaces rather than clutter catchers.

Decluttering for Curb Appeal

Decluttering doesn't just apply to the inside of your home. The exterior is just as important. Before your open house, make sure the front yard is tidy. Put away gardening tools, remove any toys, and make sure the walkway is clear. Curb appeal is the first thing buyers see, so a clean and decluttered yard makes a great first impression. If you have too many potted plants, move a few to create more open space. Keep outdoor furniture simple and inviting. An overcrowded patio or yard can make your outdoor space feel small.

If you're wondering how to declutter before an open house, the key is to be thorough without being too attached to items. Clear out the clutter in stages and allow yourself time to get it done. A clutter-free home will help you make a great impression on buyers and can even increase the value of your property. Harmonizing Homes offers tips for creating a clutter-free outdoor space, which includes tidying up the yard and making sure the front entrance looks inviting.

Decluttering Tips for Small Homes

If you live in a small home, decluttering can be even more important. Here are a few extra tips to make the most of your space:

  • Maximize Vertical Space: Use wall shelves to clear items off the floor. This opens up floor space and makes the room feel larger.
  • Hidden Storage Solutions: Invest in furniture that doubles as storage, like ottomans or coffee tables with compartments. This way, you can keep essential items close without cluttering the space.
  • Be Strategic: Only keep essential items in view. Store away anything that makes the space look crowded. Rotating items between seasons can help you keep spaces uncluttered year-round.

The Impact on Home Value

Decluttering not only makes your home look better for an open house but can also add value. A well-organized, clutter-free home appears more move-in ready, which appeals to buyers. The less work they have to do, the more likely they are to make an offer. In fact, many real estate experts agree that a decluttered home can increase perceived value, which can lead to higher offers.

Final Thoughts

Decluttering is one of the easiest yet most impactful things you can do before an open house. It helps make your home look more spacious, organized, and appealing to potential buyers. By following these steps and giving yourself enough time to declutter, you'll create a welcoming environment that invites buyers to picture themselves living there.

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