September 12, 2023

Relocating To Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — 5 Steps To Make it EASY!


Moving Sucks! Let’s just be real. It is probably one of the most stressful things you can do in life other than buy or sell property! Right?!

Being overwhelmed is normal, but if you break it down into bite size chunks, like devouring a Philly Cheesesteak at an eating contest, I promise you can make your move smoother than you imagine.

After reading this article, I promise you will have so much clarity about moving you will pick up that phone to call me!

Now — Let’s get down to Relocating To Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — 5 Steps To Make it EASY!

#1 Plan Early

It is never too early to start planning. There are so many things to consider.

Will you buy, or rent when you relocate? Will you sell the home you are in right now, or keep it as a rental? Do you need to sell your home to buy a new one?

The sooner you start asking yourself some very important questions, the sooner you can gain clarity around your move.

Have you visited the Philly Metro for a discovery visit? If not, visit the area as you are making your plans so you can get a feel in real life for the neighborhoods.

Now, it makes NO SENSE to look at specific homes at this point, they will not be available unless you are planning to move within the next month or so….. the goal is to get a feel for the different areas.

Planning early will give you plenty of time to research neighborhoods based on your budget, have time to find a job, and plenty of time to secure the right housing.

#2 Set a Budget

This is a BIG factor in making a move.

Moving can be expensive especially if you have a large family with lots of things to transport. Also, if you are relocating from a far away area that will add some expenses.

If you are a single person with just a few items and just getting your first condo or townhome, then maybe it is not so bad.

Call around and get at least 3 estimates from reputable companies. There are so many options today besides your standard moving companies. Now you can even rent storage pods that you pack up and then the company moves them when you are ready. Some of these companies offer short or long term storage as well.

Then there is setting a budget for your ongoing monthly expenses, too.

How much rent or mortgage payment can you afford? Answering this question will greatly affect which neighborhood you will be living in once you move here.

Before you hit Zillow and look for your DREAM home, talk to your lender.

It is tough sometimes but set a budget and stick to it.

#3 Research Neighborhoods

Matthias Baldwin Park in Philadelphia, PA (wikimedia)

There are over 100 different neighborhoods just within the city limits of Philadelphia. If you consider the metro area too, then it is countless.

That is why it is important to consider some other factors as you ponder which neighborhood or area you would prefer.

While exploring your neighborhood options be sure to also consider how these neighborhoods fit your budget, your lifestyle, your commute, your safety, and your community.

Make a list as you consider these factors. Then, you can really start to explore neighborhoods in Philadelphia.

The best way to get a feel for a neighborhood is to visit it in person. And, do not just drive around in your car. Get out and take a walk around the neighborhood! See how it feels to you. Does it FEEL like a good fit for you? Talk to the people who live there and get their impressions of the neighborhood.

#4 Update Important Documents

Unless you are running away from someone in your past life and moving to Philly to hide, then you might want to notify some people and companies about your move.

Make sure to notify your current and future post office.

Other important places to notify are current and future utility companies so you can have that precious internet connection the moment you get to your new abode!

Do not forget your banks, and any subscriptions you have. This will ensure a smooth transition of services to your new address.

And, of course, you will want to update your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and voter registration to reflect your new address in Pennsylvania.

#5 Declutter and Pack Efficiently

Even though moving sucks, it is a great time to shed all the extra shit you do not need or use anymore. So, before packing, go through your belongings and get rid of all the stuff that is weighing you down.

A good friend recently made a big move to another state and after getting there she realized how much stuff she should have left behind, sold, given away or whatever…but instead she lugged it thousands of miles away only to get rid of it later after the expense and headache of moving it all first.

So declutter and shed the items you no longer need. Imagine how much easier packaging and moving is with less stuff!

And, be sure to use a system to pack, labeling boxes by room and contents.

BONUS tip… Make an essentials box with items you will need immediately upon arrival, such as toiletries, clothes, medications and important documents.

Despite my smartass sense of humor, I absolutely LOVE helping people find the right place for them right here in the Philly Area.

I’m Dawn D’Amico and I’m a licensed agent in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. If you have decided that your heart is set on living somewhere in the Philly Metro, reach out to me below.

I LOVE hearing from people who want to live in one of the best Metros in the country.

Dawn D’Amico: 215.962.9307