September 14, 2023

This is most likely why your home hasn’t sold yet.


As a realtor, I have talked to many people who are pretty frustrated with putting their homes up on the market. They are asking, “Why can’t I get my home sold? I’m hearing about all these houses flying off the market, why isn’t mine doing the same thing?”

There could be many reasons why your home is not selling even though all the other homes around it are selling quickly. Usually, the top reason has to do with price. If your home is overpriced for its condition and the location that could be THE reason your home is still on the market. If it does not seem like a good deal to the buyers, then that is usually the number one reason why a seller cannot get their home sold. I have seen price adjustments of just $10,000 that have made a significant difference and allowed homeowners to sell their properties. It is all about price bracketing, too.

I have a story about a homeowner who wanted a certain price for his house. I would not work with him because I knew I would not be able to get the house sold for what he wanted. I told him I could not work with him and we were not going to have a business relationship. However, I did refer him to another agent in my office who did list it for what he wanted. Well, guess what? It is almost a whole year later right now and he is getting less than what I told him he would get for the home. He got the offer at the price I suggested. Then after inspections and everything else, he wound up getting a little less. My point is, it is usually about the price.

The other issues come from poor representation and marketing, like really bad photos. Maybe your house is fantastic but you do not have the right photographs and description. Your house could even be listed the wrong neighborhood, which affects the potential buyers that will see it. Make sure the listing is correct. I have seen so often homes listed in the incorrect subdivision. This can make a big difference for some buyers who are searching for that perfect neighborhood that they want and if you are in that neighborhood but it doesn’t say so in your MLS listing, which gets pushed out to all of the consumer facing like Zillow,, and, you are missing all that opportunity. If your home is not listed correctly in the actual neighborhood with the best photos and an accurate description with the right amount of bathrooms and the right amount of bedrooms, chances are, the buyers looking for your exact house are not going to see it. That is probably why you cannot sell your home.

If you are looking to sell in the Philadelphia Metro Region, I am a licensed realtor in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. My name is Dawn D’Amico and you can contact me through text, call, or email.

Dawn D’Amico: 215.962.9307
